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The World of Sales Leads

Sales and leads. Certain things never change in the constantly evolving business models. Every business needs its sales and they reach out to every lead at their disposal to make it happen. They are constantly on the lookout for best leads. Quality leads are hard to come by and they are not cheap. They have to attract the best marketers to attain their ambitious sales plan.

The new age marketer has all the latest tools at his finger tips. He studies the market potential, he pores over keywords searched in Google, he obsesses over search engine rankings and loses sleep over click through rates. He has to bring in sales to get his bonus after all. Some of the leads he generates are lost in the wind because the company doesn’t know who was responsible for each and every lead. All it knows is the marketing division was responsible.

Auto Attend bridges this gap between companies and marketers. The marketer is recognized whenever a sales lead comes in. Better recognition inspires him to bring in more leads. It is a win-win scenario.

Let’s say there are 3 marketers Alice, Bob and Charlie. Each of them own a number at AutoAttend. All they do is divert the incoming calls to the sales division of the company with a call whisper and also records the call. The call whisper is the important feature here. When the company’s sales division receives the transferred call from the potential customer, they clearly hear the call whisper message which tells who was responsible for the lead. The customer is oblivious to the call whisper. Only the transferee hears it.

There it is. The sales division now can pinpoint each and every lead and recognize the work put in by the marketers. Call whisper is a simple yet a powerful feature that has already been leveraged by many marketers around the world. People have started using it at AutoAttend and are loving it. We are giving away this feature starting from our basic plan.

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